Thursday, January 21, 2016


Hello all and welcome to my first blog post! I'm very excited to be starting this project, and I hope that you are excited to be hearing about it. I want to dedicate this first post to explaining more in depth my project and what drew me to it. 

It's first important to mention that growing up, reading was a huge part of my life. I had a hunger for books that began with my parents reading to me every night before bed and then, eventually, me reading to them. I became obsessed with stories and couldn't get enough, reading well above the standard difficulty level for my age by the time I was in second grade. Since I read so many books, my parents would often take me to the bookstore, an occasion rare enough to make it an extremely coveted break in my childhood routine. I would walk through the doors into the comforting hush of the bookstore, entranced by the seemingly endless maze of towering bookshelves. If given the opportunity, I could have stayed all day, picking up books at random and flipping through them, even if they were well above my reading level. I just loved seeing the words on the page, even before I could fully grasp their meaning.

Nowadays, I don't get to read as much as I used to, but what can you expect from a girl who goes to one of the most rigorous schools in the country? Nevertheless, the less free time I have to read, the more I appreciate and take advantage of it. It may take me a month to read a book I could have otherwise probably finished off in less than a week, but it doesn’t make me love reading any less; if anything, it just makes me more selective of the books I do read (after all, who wants to waste time reading a book they don’t enjoy?).

This brings me to my senior project. As you can probably tell, I am a fan of physical books. I have a kindle, but I can’t even remember the last time I used it. And I know I’m not the only person who has this kind of attachment to books and, thus bookstores. So what I want to know is what makes people go to brick-and-mortar bookstores to buy these physical books when they have so many other options in this age of technology (and online shopping)? Theoretically, ebooks and buying books online should be more convenient, and yet people still go out of their way to go to bookstores, especially independent (or “indie”) bookstores.

 In order to try to understand this anomaly, I will be working at both locations of Changing Hands Bookstore, a local indie bookshop, shadowing all aspects of the bookselling side of things as well as surveying customers to try to understand their perspective on this. I’ll also be visiting some other indie bookstores around the country as well as a “big box” bookstore (Barnes & Noble) in order to get a more well-rounded view of the bookstore market.

I hope that by reading this you learned a bit more about what I will be exploring for the next few months! My Senior Project Proposal (linked in the right tab) goes into much more detail of the specifics, so feel free to check that out as well. Again, I am very eager to see where my research takes me, and I hope you are as well. I’ll be back again with another post in mid-February, but until then, happy reading!


  1. Wow, what a great blogger's beginning! This research sounds very interesting, and I wish you the best of luck on your SRP.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Elizabeth! Your blog looks great! I, for one, am a definite fan of physical books. I think it's mostly because I can annotate in them...and honestly who doesn't love that "library book" smell? So I am very interested in your SRP and am so excited to follow you through your research!

    1. Hi Micki! I'm definitely the kind of person who immediately opens up a new book (or any book to be honest) to see if it has that classic smell (and gets slightly annoyed if it doesn't). I'm excited to see where this research takes me!

  4. Eli! Your blog looks so cool! I agree with Micki about annotating. It'll also be cool to learn about the business aspect of indie bookstores too, how they compete with larger stores like B&N.

    1. Thank you so much, George! I'll be sure to include some of the details of the business side of the bookstore that I'll be learning about while working at Changing Hands.

  5. You know, there's nothing like getting a whiff of some good ol' book when you crack one open for the first time. I'm sure that's one of many reasons why so many folks find books so alluring, and I must say I'm excited to see what kind of psychology lies behind book stores.Best of wishes!

    1. Hi Matt! I feel the same way, and I'll be sure to address that "book smell" and how people are drawn to it throughout my project. Thanks for the comment!

  6. Elizabeth....reading your Prologue, it could have been written by my older daughter who shares your love of books and reading. When she was about 2, I think, she would answer a ring of the front door bell with a book in hand and the request of whomever was at the door "Read me?" I look forward to peeking in at your progress. Enjoy!

    Mr. Nish

  7. Elizabeth, your blog hooked me from the beginning, because I am also a fan of books. I am also interested in your SRP because I too, would like to know why I prefer a physical book other than an E-Book. I heard somewhere once that we enjoy the smell of the physical book. I am looking forward to see what you find out.
